How It All Started...

How It All Started...

I found my first concept designs recently and thought I’d share. These show you where I started and you can compare them to where I am now. ❤️

I drafted these up in the hope my basic representation would be enough to show people what I had in mind.  I wandered around the Auckland Plant Market and Plant Fest and asked people if they'd mind giving me an opinion.  I learnt so much.  

It took a long time to get from these initial designs to a final drawing.  I wanted the form to be more organic. I wanted the monstera leaf to replicate a jungle silhouette. I loved biophilic design and really wanted to bring the outdoors in.

It was important to me that the 'feel' was right.  

Design was just the start.  Then I needed to learn about manufacture.  What I wanted it made from, would the design work, what protection it needed etc.  That's another story. Stay tuned!


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